eric terlizzi
Musician / Singer / Songwriter
God arrested my heart about why I am here in this life; I want to do nothing more than to point people to HIM and how great HE IS! He was very clear with me that He will share His glory with NO ONE. "Yes, Lord!" was my answer. Now, my desire is just to lead people to worship Him...using the gifts He gave me to point all people back to Him. I would like to challenge all musicians who may be reading this with this question: For whom or what are you playing?
My Family.
In college I met the most incredible woman. Her name was Dolly. She was sitting first chair trumpet in our college wind ensemble. I could not believe how awesome she was on the trumpet! She had the most beautiful, clean, and brilliant sound I had heard from anyone. Even more striking…her beauty, inside and out. I knew then and there that if God was going to give me anyone even close to the caliber of Dolly, that it was going to have to be Him working it out. We became friends within days of meeting, and got to be very close. I grew to love her early on. As time went on, we knew we were meant for each other, and we became united forever on May 21, 1994. She is the most beautiful person I have ever met, and to think that God would allow me to be married to this kind of woman is just the icing on the cake. I am amazed at how someone can be even more beautiful after this span of time. God truly has made us soul mates for life. I love her with all my heart.
It's amazing to realize our family is expanding! On August 2, 2001, David Eric was born. He has been such an incredible gift from God. Each day holds something new from this little life. We enjoy so much spending time with him and pouring our love into him. Then, on August 29, 2003, our new little girl Chloe Mae was born. She is such a dear and has a tender heart. Then, on November 15, 2005, Sophia Belle was born. She has such a gentle spirit about her. She just “goes with the flow”. It’s unbelievable to see how different each child is, and how unique God has made them. We look forward to each new day with our family.
MY MUSIC HISTORY I have known from a very early age that music would always be a part of my life. I discovered during my college years that music would be the focus of my life’s work. I took a couple of piano lessons when I was in the first grade until my teacher left the country. In Chicago while I was in the sixth grade, a man came to my school and demonstrated all of the instruments that were typically in a wind band. I knew I HAD to play the trombone. I was so fascinated with the slide and the warm, rich sound. So, that was it. I was in the band! I enjoyed it so much that it became all I thought about. My parents even arranged private lessons to keep me motivated and learning at an accelerated pace. They were very selfless to provide funds and transportation to professionals in the Chicago area who agreed to teach me. One of my best experiences was studying private trombone with a female teacher at Concordia College while I was in junior high school. I learned more from her in one lesson than anyone else the entire time I had studied privately. This was such a sacrifice for my parents, and for that I am eternally grateful. I played the trombone all through school and eventually majored in Music Education in college with an emphasis on trombone.
All during this time, I was spending a great deal of time on the piano as well...on my own, playing by ear. It was not until I had music theory in college that I really began to understand how to make the piano do what I heard in my head. This unlocked my mind with the piano, and my playing instantly changed. I can remember like it was yesterday all of those Friday nights in college, just the piano and me. It was then I realized that I was playing for God. He was developing His gift in me for HIS service! I remember playing for hours...learning how to play...learning what it was to worship on an instrument. (As I listen to the great keyboard players of our day, I’m amazed at how much room there is for improvement in my own playing!)
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